Friday, January 18, 2008

Oh coffee, my coffee

Three months ago, I decided to give up french fries because I decided they represented an affront to my self-control. That is, I often found myself eating them despite intentions to eat healthier. It's been going quite well.

I've had a fry here or there. Maybe three fries (not servings mind you. actual individual sticks) in as many months. I'm calling it a success.

Today I decided to tackle a much greater challenge-- coffee.

I don't think coffee is all that bad for me, at least not as bad as fries. But I have on too many occasions found myself caffeinating my way through the day, and to be honest I don't much like the way it makes me feel. So I decided on a whim to have a coffee-free day.

So far so good.

I don't intend to give up coffee altogether. I enjoy drinking that one special cup in the morning. Instead I've set a goal to stick to one serving a day. Oh, and I'm done with latte's. Too many calories and sugar. I've switched to americanos or just plain old drip.

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