Friday, January 18, 2008

Is it just me, or are we going insane?

This morning I was listening to an NPR segment on the upcoming Republican primary in South Carolina. Every person they interviewed was gushing about how they just absolutely had to have the most "Christian", most "righteous", most "faithful" candidate.

"My belief in Jesus Christ tells me..." etc etc etc

I kept waiting for the segment to continue with something about how unfortunate it is that so many people cast their vote based on their religious faith rather than on real issues that affect all of us, like educating our kids or feeding the hungry or helping others in need around the world.

The segment said nothing of how our democracy is stumbling ever-closer to a theocracy. Or how faith-based (read: anti-reality) thinking has gotten us into quite a scrape these last few years.


I think it's totally fine that people have their various faiths and it's great that they have found these foundations upon which to live their lives, but can't they just peek out from behind their righteous parapets for a few moments to make a decision like electing a President on some grounds other than religious fervor?

Is it just me?

Oh coffee, my coffee

Three months ago, I decided to give up french fries because I decided they represented an affront to my self-control. That is, I often found myself eating them despite intentions to eat healthier. It's been going quite well.

I've had a fry here or there. Maybe three fries (not servings mind you. actual individual sticks) in as many months. I'm calling it a success.

Today I decided to tackle a much greater challenge-- coffee.

I don't think coffee is all that bad for me, at least not as bad as fries. But I have on too many occasions found myself caffeinating my way through the day, and to be honest I don't much like the way it makes me feel. So I decided on a whim to have a coffee-free day.

So far so good.

I don't intend to give up coffee altogether. I enjoy drinking that one special cup in the morning. Instead I've set a goal to stick to one serving a day. Oh, and I'm done with latte's. Too many calories and sugar. I've switched to americanos or just plain old drip.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Friday, January 04, 2008

Wow-- Take 20 minutes and watch this video

I have become much more aware of where my "stuff" comes from. It all began a couple years ago when I began to notice that nearly everything I was buying was made in China. Feeling like the frog being slowly boiled, I decided to seek out products that were specifically not made in China, just to see if it was possible. It's become harder and harder, but can usually be done.

But this video provides a pretty compelling argument that just being aware of where your products are made is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to being a mindful human being.